Church – Timeless or Trendy

Malls are trendy. Churches should feel timeless. With the forceful current of constant change sweeping over every part of our lives, people have the need to connect with something enduring and firm. We believe Christ designed the church to fulfill that need by representing an eternal kingdom and ageless truth with no need to imitate the culture. We want you to know that there is still a church that feels like a church. It won’t feel like a rock concert,  comedy club, or motivational seminar. It’s not old-fashioned, as in 50 years ago, it is timeless, as in 2,000 years ago.

still Preaching
Dynamic, passionate preaching straight from the Bible still brings more lasting change than comedy routines, drama, or motivational talks. Come discover the benefit of Bible preaching.

still Men
The rumor that masculine men hate church simply isn’t true. Come discover an environment where plenty of real men still believe God expects them to step up and provide strong, loving leadership in the church and in their families.

still Hymns
Most church music amounts to dumbing down the lyrics and cranking up the volume to build interest. The hymns we sing still generate an attitude toward God that is anything but lifeless and boring. 

still Reverent
Casual is all the rage in American institutions, but God deserves better. While you won’t find a judgmental spirit here, you will find a place that still believes reverence is right for the presence of God.

still Family
Our culture’s experiments with the family have left the American home in a mess. We still teach the biblical roles for the family as the best answer and as our only hope for stable, fulfilled homes.

still Exciting
God doesn’t need the Top 40 or the latest fads to be exciting. We still enjoy several timeless practices that stir the soul in a way that strobe lights and dancing in the aisles can never manufacture.

Come Visit Us! 

We would be honored to have you as our guest in any of our upcoming services. In each service, Pastor Tidd presents a message from God’s Word. These messages are relevant and filled with the truths God has for His people. If you’re looking for a church that is still a church, we think you will feel right at home at Lighthouse Baptist.





Phone and Fax

Church Phone • 317.359.4275
Church Fax • 317.359.1591

Lighthouse Baptist Church
6950 E Raymond St.
Indianapolis, IN 46239

 Email us

What We Believe

The Bible

All Scripture is divinely inspired of God. The Holy Bible is God's revelation to mankind. We believe that God not only inspired every word, but that He also preserved them through the ages. We believe the King James Bible to be the preserved Word of God for the English Speaking people. (II Tim 3:16; II Pet 1:21)


One God eternally exists in three Persons: Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. (Mat 3:16-17; I Cor 8:16; II Cor 13:14; I John 5:7)

Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary and is 100% God and 100% Man. (Mat 1:18-23; John 1:1, 14)

The Fall of Man

Man was created in the image of God; man sinned, and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also the spiritual death which is separation from God; and all human beings are born with a sin nature because of Adam's sin. (Gen 1:26, 2:16; Rom 5:12)


Christ died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who trust in Him are justified by his shed blood. (John 3:16; Rom 5:1, 8-9; I Tim 2:5; Heb 9:11-15, 27-28)

The crucified body of our Lord was resurrected from the dead; He ascended into Heaven and is there our intercessor. (Mat 28:6; I Cor 15:4; Acts 1:9; Rom 8:34; Heb 7:25)

The personal, premillenial, pretribulational return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is imminent. (John 14:2; Acts 1:11; Rev 4:1)

Salvation is by grace through faith alone in the finished work of Christ on the cross. (Eph 2:8-9; John 6:47; Rev 3:20)

All believers are baptized into the true body by the Holy Spirit and are set apart to a holy walk. (I Cor 1:30; I Cor 12:13; Eph 2:10; I Pet 1:14-19)

All true believers, having been born into the family of God, are possessors of everlasting life, shall never perish, and are eternally secure. (I Pet 1:3-5; John 10:28-29)

The bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust is certain, as is the everlasting blessedness of the saved and everlasting punishment of the lost. (I Thes 4:13-18; Rev 20:11-15; John 5:28-29)

The Local Church

The church began with the calling out of the twelve apostles by Jesus Christ and was empowered on the day of Pentecost. As an Independent Baptist Church, we are governed by God and His Word. We believe the local church is God's only institution to carry out His work today. We believe the local church is composed of members who have been saved and baptized according to the command of Christ. (Mat 16:16-18; Acts 1:15; Acts 2:41-43)

Immersion is the only scriptural mode of baptism and is for believers only. (Rom 6:3-4; Acts 8:36-38)

The Lord's Supper is a commemoration of His death until He comes, and is to be celebrated periodically. (Luke 22:17-20; I Cor 11:23-30)


As children of the Lord, we should endeavor, by God's grace to live a consistent Christian life and refrain from worldliness and conduct ourselves in such a way as not to be a stumbling block. (Rom 12:1-2; Col 3:1-17; Rom 14:12-13)

Service Times



10:00 AM - Bible Classes for Children, 
                    Teens, and Adults
11:00 AM - Worship Services
                    Classes for Children
6:00 PM - Evening Service


7:00 PM - Bible Study


6:30 PM - Thursday Night Youth


Lighthouse Baptist Church
6950 E. Raymond St
Indianapolis, IN 46239


Get Directions






Our History

On the last Sunday of April, 1985, Lighthouse Baptist Church opened its doors. Under the leadership of Pastor Daniel Tidd, the church met in a second floor storefront building on East Washington Street. A handful of people developed into a growing congregation, and God was blessing continually.

After a few short years, it was obvious that God was accomplishing great things in the life of this congregation. People were being saved, baptized and added to the church regularly, and before long it became apparent that the storefront was just too small. Lighthouse Baptist needed a larger home to accommodate its growing membership. In 1987, through a miraculous set of circumstances, God gave the church a building of its own for a fraction of the asking price. This new building was located at 6950 East Raymond Street.

Not too long after the church settled into its new building, it was obvious that expansion was necessary. In 1988, Sunday school space was added. In 1990, the church added offices, a kitchen, and half a gymnasium. In 1992, more classrooms were added as the church continued to grow.

As 1994 approached, the church’s need for a larger auditorium was becoming increasingly evident. This would be the church’s largest building program to date. God once again blessed financially, and a beautiful new sanctuary was added to the property. In 1996, the original auditorium was renovated to give more classrooms, and in 1998 the addition of a full-size gymnasium was completed. The year 2000 saw the addition of the balcony to give our auditorium additional seating capacity. In 2004, an addition was built off of the gym to give more classroom space. In 2005, the main foyer of the auditorium was expanded and the Ronald Midgley Walkway was added connecting the gym to the auditorium foyer.

Since the very first church service in 1985, Lighthouse Baptist has been a place of refuge for all who would come through the doors. Our history is filled with godly people striving together to see souls saved and lives changed for the glory of God. As we look ahead to the future, there is no doubt that God will continue to use Lighthouse Baptist Church as a beacon of truth both in Indianapolis and around the world.

Ministry Contact

Travis Montgomery

Service Times

10:00 AM - Bible Classes for Children,
                    Teens, and Adults
11:00 AM - Worship Services
                   Classes for Children
6:00 PM - Evening Service

7:00 PMBible Study

6:30 PMThursday Night Youth