Tuesday September 22, 2020- Coronavirus Statement:

We Praise the Lord that we have been safely reassembling since mid-July. Our weekly schedule is as follows

Sunday School for all ages- 10am (Nurseries provided)
Sunday Morning Worship Service- 11am (Nurseries & Jr. Church Classes provided for children from Birth through 6th Grade
Sunday Evening Worship Service- 6pm (Nurseries available for children up to age 3)

Wednesday Evening Midweek Service- 7pm (Nurseries available for children up to age 3)

If you desire to visit our church, we would love to have you as our guest. We would enjoy meeting you and placing a visitor's packet into your hand. Please see any of our ushers or greeters for one of these. 

We are thankful for the opportunity to continue ministering during these unusual days. If our church can be of help to any members or any of our neighbors here in Indianapolis, please reach out to us. 317-359-4275.


Friday, July 10, 2020- Coronavirus Statement:

We want to thank our church family for your prayers and care throughout the last few weeks. As you already know, several church members tested positive for Covid-19 over the last couple of weeks. The spectrum for those who got the sickness ranged anywhere from no symptoms to those with symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization. Thankfully most of those who got the virus are either fully recovered or recovering, however, we still have a few that remain in the hospital. Please join us in praying for their complete recovery. What we found is that the spread of this virus can happen very quickly because someone can carry and spread the virus without knowing they have it. We do not believe that anyone knowingly came to church or any church activity with Covid-19, however we do know that some showed symptoms less than 24 hours after being at an activity or service. Due to the quick spread, we made the difficult decision to go online only on Wednesday, July 1 for a duration of two weeks. Only staff has been in the building since June 29, enabling our buildings to be sanitized and ready for when the doors will reopen. It is our plan to open the doors once again this Sunday, July 12. Because of the quick spread that we saw before, we will open with the following measures:

*We will maintain social distancing by using every other pew. Families will need to sit together and maintain a space of 6ft. between family units. We will continue to offer the video feed into the gymnasium for those who would want to watch the service there.

*Masks are not required but are encouraged. Staff will be wearing masks until the service begins and will wear masks after the service ends. If you need a mask, they will be available at the Welcome Center.  We understand there are a lot of opinions on the use of masks and their effectiveness. After dealing with something so quick spreading, we want to do anything we can to keep our church membership safe.

*If you or someone in your home is feeling sick, please watch the services from home until all symptoms are gone.

*We will continue to live stream all services. We want each family to make the decision on whether to attend or watch from home themselves. In addition, if you have underlying health conditions, we encourage you to watch live stream. For the time being, our service schedule will be Sunday at 11AM & 6PM and Wednesday at 7PM. No nurseries or children’s classes will be provided.

To our church membership, thank you for your faithfulness over the last several months. This year has been unprecedented, and we look forward to resuming a normal schedule as God leads us to. If you have any questions, feedback, or needs, please call us at the church office (317) 359-4275, M-F, 8am-4pm.

God bless,

Pastor Tidd and Staff

Monday June 29, 2020- Statement concerning Coronavirus:

Over the past few days we started receiving information regarding individuals in our church being diagnosed with Covid-19.  While we have received some information that has not been verified, at this time we have received confirmation that eleven members of our church have tested positive for the virus. As far as we know, no member was at a service when they were symptomatic. Furthermore, the levels of severity of each person has varied, but at this time each is doing well.  Two members have been hospitalized (one has already been released and the other is scheduled to be released tomorrow), a few had moderate symptoms, and the rest had either have mild or no symptoms at all.  Please pray for each individual as they continue their respective recoveries.

While they don't know where they picked up the virus, we advise you of these circumstances so you can make an informed decision as to what is best for you and your family. Lighthouse Baptist Church will continue to live stream all services on both youtube and Facebook and we encourage you to watch on those forms of media, as you deem appropriate.  

The church will continue sanitizing the auditorium between services, seating in every other row, encouraging social distancing, and taking any other steps appropriate to protect the membership as much as practicable.  The church staff will continue meeting to determine what other precautions need to be taken. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact a member of the church staff.  The office phone number for the church is 317-359-4275 

Wednesday June 10, 2020- Church policy update:

LBC will move to the next stage of reopening this coming Sunday. In this stage we will add Sunday school classes and Nurseries for 10am & 11am services. Due to space limitations, classes and nurseries will be available to members only at this time.




Friday, May 8, 2020- Church policy update:

We are excited to have our church family begin to gather at Church once again! Please watch this 5 minute video about the measures we are taking to keep our Church Members safe as we reopen the buildings. 



Friday, March 20, 2020- Church policy update:

To our church family: we understand how vital the weekly church services are to our membership. Especially in a time of uncertainty, God’s people are greatly helped by the powerful preaching of God’s Word. Because of this, while we have modified some things, the regular scheduled church services will continue. While the doors remain open, we would like to encourage our church family and any guests to watch via livestream. In addition, because of the limits being placed on “in person” gatherings, our auditorium will be open to church members only.

Our weekly schedule starting this Sunday (3/22) will be as follows:

     11am- Combined Sunday morning service- there will be no nurseries or Jr Church classes

     6pm- Sunday evening service- no nurseries

     Midweek Service- 7pm- no nurseries

     *Please note there will be no Sunday school hour at 10am.

We are all very much looking forward to the day when the church will once again be able to gather under normal circumstances. Until that time, we are thankful that we live in a time where we are able to broadcast the services live for anyone who would like to join in.

We have been very encouraged by the numbers of those who are watching the services from home. On Sunday morning, we had nearly 500 views of our YouTube broadcast and on Wednesday evening we had over 1,000 views between YouTube and Facebook. While we are unable to have outreach as usual, these avenues of media are an outreach themselves. Please consider sharing our YouTube page or Facebook page if you are on Social Media.

Finally, if there is any help that our staff can offer, please call the church office at (317) 359-4275. We are praying for you!


Tuesday, March 17, 2020- Church policy update:

Due to the continued limitations being imposed by the CDC and our state Government as our country deals with the Coronavirus, we are asking that families sit together in the service when they come to church. We won’t be offering a nursery for the time being. The size of our auditorium gives each family the opportunity to “social distance” as has been recommended by the CDC.

In addition, if you are sick, running a fever or don’t feel well, please watch the services from home. Also, we want to strongly encourage our senior citizens to watch the services from home. If you are having trouble finding the services online, please call the office (317)359-4275 and we can assist you. Beginning tomorrow evening, the services will be broadcast on YouTube as well as our Facebook page.

Finally, please understand we are prayerfully making the best decisions we can to keep our church family safe. We appreciate your continued prayers for our leadership as we move forward. On Friday, we will communicate any further instructions in regard to our Sunday services.

We are praying for you! 


Friday, March 13, 2020

Due to the Governor’s directive regarding Covid-19, Lighthouse Baptist Church is instituting the following measures to ensure the health of all, to the extent possible, while maintaining the cause of Christ in a decent and orderly manner.  These measures will be effective until further notice, based on guidance from the Indiana Department of Health:

*All church transportation ministries will be suspended

*Any scheduled activities outside of normal church services will be suspended, this includes AWANA, youth meetings and activities, Saturday outreach, fellowship dinners and ladies’ meetings

*We will still have our weekly Sunday and Wednesday regularly scheduled services

Please know that during this time the church staff will take extra precautions to ensure the cleanliness of the church. We will be enhancing our cleaning of the nurseries as well as any high traffic areas. In addition, there are several areas in the church where hand sanitizer will be available. 

We also want to encourage those who are sick or are not feeling well to stay home. In addition, we would encourage those who are elderly or otherwise considered higher risk to stay home as well.

For those who will not be able to be at services, we will begin to livestream all of our services on our YouTube and Facebook page. Just go to youtube.com or Facebook and search for Lighthouse Baptist Church Indianapolis.

We understand this situation is fluid and any other announcements will be sent out via text and our social media pages.

As always, our staff will be available at (317) 359-4275 should you need to contact us.

**To receive text updates, text @prayerlbc to the number 81010**

As a staff, we are praying for our church family and our country as we go through this time of uncertainty.



Thank you for signing up to receive prayer request updates and important announcements. 
You should receive a confirmation email shortly and you will need to click the
link on that email to finish the sign up process.
 Please familiarize yourself with the process below
and once again thanks for signing up!

 Guidelines for Submitting Prayer Requests

Many of our members have requested some sort of prayer chain or a place where they can submit and receive regular prayer requests. The best way to do that is through our Wednesday Night Prayer Sheet. Requests can be submitted by filling out a prayer request card and putting it in the offering plate.

However; sometimes, something will take place that needs urgent prayer immediately. Because of that we offering this email notification system. This system allows the church office to send out important alerts or urgent prayer requests.

To avoid sending multiple emails each day we've listed some criteria that must be met before these requests will be sent out via email. They are as follows:

1. Prayer requests must involve an immediate family member of a church member.

2. The person must be critically ill, in the hospital, scheduled for surgery, or in a life threatening situation.

3. If the request will be sufficiently handled through the Wednesday night prayer sheet, it will not be handled through email. For example: If someone submits a prayer request on Monday for a surgery they are having on Thursday, we will not send out an email.

4. Examples of what will be covered: A person is hospitalized, a death in the family, an emergency surgery, or any other need that must be addressed immediately.

5. For all requests we will look to the prayer sheet as the first option. If that will not be sufficient because of sensitivity to time, we will send out an email notification. Prayer request sheets are available at any church service.

To submit a request for email you will need to send an email to Bro Andy.

We will do our best to update all requests once they have been answered.

Thank you,

The Pastoral Staff


Please follow this link to receive Prayer Requests & Announcement text messages.

Prayer Request Sign Up

For a list of guidelines concerning the prayer requests that will be sent out, click here.



Guidelines for Submitting Prayer Requests

Many of our members have requested some sort of prayer chain or a place where they can submit and receive regular prayer requests. The best way to do that is through our Wednesday Night Prayer Sheet. Requests can be submitted by filling out a prayer request card and putting it in the offering plate.

However; sometimes, something will take place that needs urgent prayer immediately. Because of that we offering this email notification system. This system allows the church office to send out important alerts or urgent prayer requests.

To avoid sending multiple emails each day we've listed some criteria that will help us to determine what will be sent out via email. They are as follows:

1. Prayer requests must involve a church member or an immediate family member of a church member. From time to time we may bypass this to cover someone in full time ministry or an exceptional need. 

2. The person must be critically ill, in the hospital, scheduled for surgery, or in a life threatening situation.

3. If the request will be sufficiently handled through the Wednesday night prayer sheet, it will not be handled through email.

4. Examples of what will be covered: A person is hospitalized, a death in the family, an emergency surgery, or any other need that must be addressed immediately.

5. For all requests we will look to the prayer sheet as the first option. If that will not be sufficient because of sensitivity to time, we will send out an email notification. Prayer sheets are available at any church service.

To submit a request for email you will need to send an email to Bro Andy.

We will do our best to update all requests once they have been answered.

Thank you,

The Pastoral Staff

Ministry Contact

Travis Montgomery


Service Times

10:00 AM - Bible Classes for Children,
                    Teens, and Adults
11:00 AM - Worship Services
                   Classes for Children
6:00 PM - Evening Service

7:00 PMBible Study

6:30 PMThursday Night Youth