Pastor Dan Tidd
Senior Pastor

Pastor Tidd started the Lighthouse Baptist Church in 1985 and has been the Senior Pastor ever since. Over the years many ministries have been added for the purpose of evangelizing Indianapolis as well as the rest of the world. God has used Pastor Tidd’s preaching both here and around the world. Pastor and his wife Stephanie have two daughters and eight grandchildren. 

To learn more about Pastor Tidd, please click here.


   Andrew Folger
    Executive Associate Pastor

    Andy joined the Lighthouse staff in 2008. He is the Executive Associate Pastor and
    teaches the Family Foundations Adult Bible Class. Andy and his wife Chere’ have
    two sons and two daughters

  Tyler McGath

   Assistant Pastor - Music

   Tyler joined our staff in January of 2023 and oversees our music ministry. Tyler and
   his wife Katie have two sons and one daughter


  Aaron Conner
   Assistant Pastor - Media

   Aaron is our Director of Media. He also teaches the Crossroads College and Career
   Sunday school class, and oversees our bus ministry. Aaron has been on staff since

   2005. He and his wife Becky have two daughters and one son.

   Travis Montgomery
    Assistant Pastor - Youth Ministries

   Travis joined the Lighthouse staff in the summer of 2021 and serves as our Youth 
   Pastor. Travis and his wife Laken have one son and three daughters.



   Phillip O'Dell    
    Phillip began a multi-year internship here at Lighthouse in January of 2023. Phillip 
    and his wife Lexi have two sons. 



Pastor Dan Tidd
Senior Pastor

Pastor Tidd started the Lighthouse Baptist Church in 1985 and has been the Senior Pastor ever since. Over the years many ministries have been added for the purpose of evangelizing Indianapolis as well as the rest of the world. God has used Pastor Tidd’s preaching both here and around the world. Pastor and his wife Stephanie have two daughters and seven grandchildren. 

To learn more about Pastor Tidd, please click here.


Andrew Folger
Executive Associate Pastor

Andy joined the Lighthouse staff in 2008. He is the Executive Associate and teaches the Family Foundations adult Bible class. Andy and his wife Chere’ have two sons and two daughters.


Aaron Conner
Assistant Pastor- Media and College


Aaron is our Director of Media. He also teaches the Crossroads College and Career Sunday school class, and oversees our bus ministry. Aaron has been on staff since 2005. He and his wife Becky have two daughters and one son.


Rusty Ellis
Assistant Pastor- Youth

Rusty joined the Lighthouse staff in the spring of 2015 and serves as our Youth Pastor. He also oversees the Seniors Ministry. Rusty and his wife Crystal have two daughters and one son.

I'm New to Lighthouse Baptist

Visiting any church for the very first time can be a tough experience.  Well, we want to put you at ease so that your first visit to Lighthouse Baptist will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and "at home"! Here are a few answers to questions that you may have as well as what you might expect on your first visit.

- When are your services?
- How do I get to Lighthouse Baptist Church?
- What can I expect on my first visit?
- Where do I take my children?
- What about my teens?
- How should I dress?
- Who is Pastor Dan Tidd?
- Am I expected to participate in the offering?
- Other Questions?

When are your services?

10:00 AM - Bible Classes for
                   all ages

11:00 AM - Worship Service
6:00 PM - Evening Service

7:00 PM - Bible Study

How do I get to Lighthouse Baptist Church?

What can I expect on my first visit?

During our services you will enjoy the inspiring and uplifting music of the choir, ensembles, and soloists. The music is always followed by a clear, helpful, and challenging Bible message from Pastor Tidd. This service is a little over one hour in length. Also, during the 10:00 hour, there are Bible classes for adults in all stages of life. These classes are smaller group settings where you are invited to meet people, enjoy perhaps some coffee and donuts, and hear a teaching lesson more directly applicable to your life-stage. The best way to get to know people at Lighthouse Baptist Church is to visit one of these adult Bible classes.


Where do I take my children?
Starting with excellent nurseries, there is something special for children of all ages. At every service there are safe, clean, and well-staffed nurseries for children 4 years old and under. For the infants, mothers will receive a pager so that the nursery attendants can easily contact you if there is a need. For children five years old through sixth grade there are fun, friendly, and Bible-centered classes. These classes are staffed with trained, friendly, and well-qualified teachers and helpers who will make church exciting and memorable for your child.

When you first arrive at LBC we would like to help you find the appropriate nurseries, classes, and services for every person in your family. Our greeters and ushers are located in the lobby of the main auditorium and will gladly help direct and even escort you to the right place. 

What about my teens?

Our student ministries are broken down into three main divisions: junior high, senior high, and college and career. Most of the teens attend one of our age specific Bible classes for one hour and then the worship service the next hour with their parents.

How should I dress?

Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday” dress; however, our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable on your visit here at Lighthouse!

Who is Pastor Dan Tidd?
Pastor Dan Tidd started the Lighthouse Baptist Church in 1985. Each week you will enjoy Pastor Tidd's Bible preaching. You can read more about him here.

Am I expected to participate in the offering?

No, we don't invite you to Lighthouse Baptist Church for your offering. We only want our service to be a help and a blessing to you. We hope you will find in this place a warm family spirit, truth from God's Word, and a place where you can grow in God's grace. Please don't feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest. 

Other questions?

If there's something we missed on this list, just give us a call at 317.359.4275, or ask someone when you arrive. Whether you're new to the area and looking for a church home, or if it's been a long time since you've attended church at all, we hope your first visit at Lighthouse Baptist will be awesome! Our desire is to serve you and your family, and we are looking forward to meeting you personally. We hope you'll feel right at home from the very first moment you set foot in Lighthouse Baptist Church! Let us know how we can serve you better, and we hope to meet you this Sunday!

Are you sure about your eternity?

My friend, whether you realize it or not, this is the most important question you will ever answer — Are you sure about your eternity? Up until this point you may not have given it much thought, but one day you will stand before the Lord and give an answer to this question whether you are ready or not. Will it be too late?

If you would like to know how to become a Christian:


For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

No one is good enough to go to Heaven on his own merit. No matter how much good we have done the Bible tells us that in the eyes of God “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Even at my best I am unworthy of Heaven.


For the wages of sin is death… (Romans 6:23)

When we go to our places of employment we earn a paycheck for the work that we have done. God says that because of my sin I have earned spiritual death, which is eternal separation from God. This separation will take place in Hell, which Revelation tells us is a “lake of fire.” You might say, “How can a loving God send anyone to such a place?” While God does not want anyone to go to Hell, He cannot allow our sin to go unpunished. However, He does love you and that is why He has made a way for your sins to be forgiven.


But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

In spite of our sin, God loved us so much that he sent His only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. What a relief to know that we don’t have to bear our sin debt alone. Jesus Christ can do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves — He can forgive our sin and grant us an eternal home in Heaven.


But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

Everlasting life was purchased by Jesus Christ on the cross and He offers salvation as a free gift to all those who call upon him by faith.


Confess that you are a sinner, and ask God to forgive you of your sins. Believe that Jesus died and rose from the grave on the third day, and receive God’s free gift of salvation.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to someone concerning this important matter of salvation please Contact Us.

We would love to help you answer the question, “Are you sure?”


Pastor Dan and Stephanie Tidd

At the young age of eight Dan Tidd accepted Christ as his Savior. From 1979 -1981 he attended Indiana Baptist College in Indianapolis. After Bible college, Pastor Tidd served the Lord full-time as a youth pastor at the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Indianapolis for five years.

In April of 1985, Pastor Tidd started the Lighthouse Baptist Church of Indianapolis in an upstairs storefront building on E. Washington Street. The church was founded on the Word of God, soul winning, and a desire that it be a place of refuge for all who would attend. He has now faithfully served as pastor for more than 35 years.

Pastor married his wife, Stephanie in 1979. They have two daughters, Crystal and Chere’, who both serve alongside their husbands in full-time ministry. Crystal's husband, Rusty Ellis, pastors the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Missouri City, TX. Chere' and her husband, Andy Folger serve here at Lighthouse. The Tidd’s have eight beautiful grandchildren, Carter, Blake, Peyton, Aubrey, Karissa, Reagan, Samuel, and Daniel.

Pastor Tidd’s life verse is I Timothy 1:12, “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry”. 

Ministry Contact

Travis Montgomery

Service Times

10:00 AM - Bible Classes for Children,
                    Teens, and Adults
11:00 AM - Worship Services
                   Classes for Children
6:00 PM - Evening Service

7:00 PMBible Study

6:30 PMThursday Night Youth